Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wobbly World

Parker will be one next week! It has gone by so fast. He is starting to walk all on his own. About 3 weeks ago he took four steps all by himself when he was getting to a toy on a table where another little girl was at. It was adorable! A couple days later, my mom and I got him to walk across the room (10 steps or so), but only by letting him think he was getting a bottle or remote. But he did it none the less. Since then, he'll only take a few steps here and there. He can do it on his own, he's just stubborn! Imagine that... wonder where he gets that from :) Anyway, the last couple days he's actually been taking steps regularly on his own. Part of that I think stemmed from the motivation to chase Rian around the house! He loves being chased and chasing and being caught! So cute! That's about all for now!

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