Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Portland Fire Test

I can no longer take the Portland Fire Department test due to schedule conflict. I am leaving for California the evening before for basketball road trip. This means i won't get a practice exam before Seattle's test. I guess I have to start somewhere.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Firefighter Test

I just applied to take the Portland Fire Department test tonight! How exciting! It's in a month and it will be my first test. Even if I don't do well, it will be good practice. It will be a good practice test before i take Seattle's test! Well, C'ya!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Team Bonding

Last night Shannon and I had the women's team over for dinner before the start of our season on Sunday. Then, some of the men's team joined us for dessert. We thought it would be a good way to start off the season, on good terms and just to have a little team bonding. We just can't get enough of that. Did I mention that I think basketball has the longest season? A season usually lasts about 5 months, October-March. Hopefully by March we'll still enjoy the team bonding.
Tryouts/practice start this Sunday. I'm sure I'll be sore, tired and venting on here. So be patient with me :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Basketball Season Starting...

Our official first practice for the 2004-2005 season starts this Sunday, October 17. Everyone is so excited and to kick off the start of a new season, we're having a team dinner tonight at my house! Be sure to check out our schedule and game results throughout the season at GoBoxers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Freshman Bball Girls @ Beach

Sophomore Bball Girls @ the Beach

Junior Bball Girls @ Beach

Senior bball girls at the beach!